Dynamically create Dashboards you need
Sistrade® Dashboard Builder is a web-based platform that allows the users, without programming skills, to configure and create KPI dashboards in table or chart without having to do any developments.
Sistrade® Dashboard Builder is a drag and drop tool where it is possible to select indicators or categories and create a dynamic dashboard. One can also configure KPI distribution on dashboards, and be able to make them available on several screens.
Dashboards are important for viewing and analysing numerical data. With this new platform one can configure and create optimized and responsive dashboards in real time.
Sistrade® Dashboard Builder allows:
> Select procedures previously created in SQL
> Dynamically set the parameter reading for SQL
> Select the KPI type
> Customise charts
> Parameterization of colours, titles and legends
> Goal setting on the chart
> Charts in 3D
> Customize dashboards
> Select the most important dashboards to monitor the progress of the entire sales, stocks and production process
Make better business decisions
Use Sistrade® Dashboard Builder to have within your reach the information that helps you make better business decisions. Select the most important KPIs for your business, set up meaningful indicators and take action.
Multiple chart types available
Sistrade® Dashboard Builder allows displaying multiple charts in a single layout, providing a variety of chart types, including 3D, bar, column, stack, area, heatmap, funnel, geochart, lines, meter and piechart.